Masthead Unitil

Energy Efficiency World



ME Science 6-8 Science and Technology D3h Matter and Energy

Describe several different types of energy forms…


ME Science 6-8 Science and Technology B1 Skills and Traits of Scientific Inquiry

Students plan, conduct, analyze data from, and communicate results of investigations, including simple experiments.


NGSS 6-8 Physical Science MS-PS1-3 Matter and Its Interactions

Gather and make sense of information to describe that synthetic materials come from natural resources and impact society.


NGSS 5 Earth and Space Sciences 5-ESS3-1 Earth and Human Activity

Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth's resources and environment.


NGSS 6 Earth and Space Sciences MS-ESS3-5 Earth and Human Activity

Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century.


NGSS 6-8 Earth and Space Sciences MS-ESS3-3 Earth and Human Activity

Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.


CCSS ELA Literacy 6 Reading Informational Text CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology B1b Skills and Traits of Scientific Inquiry

Plan and safely conduct investigations including simple experiments that involve a fair test.


ME Science 6-8 Science and Technology D2 Earth

Students describe the various cycles, physical and biological forces and processes, position in space, energy transformations, and human actions that affect the short-term and long-term changes to the Earth.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology D2e Earth

Recognize that the sun is the source of Earth's surface heat and light energy.


ME Science 6-8 Science and Technology A1b Systems

Explain how the output of one part of a system, including waste products from manufacturing or organisms, can become the input of another part of a system.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology A2a Models

Represent the features of a real object, event, or process using models including geometric figures, number sequences, graphs, diagrams, sketches, maps, or three-dimensional figures and note ways in which those representations do (and do not) match features of the originals.


ME Science 6-8 Science and Technology A3b Constancy and Change

Give examples of systems including ecosystems, Earth systems, and technologies that appear to be unchanging (even though things may be changing within the system) and identify any feedback mechanisms that may be modifying the changes.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology A2 Models

Students use models to represent objects, processes, and events from the physical setting, the living environment, and the technological world.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology A3a Constancy and Change

Recognize patterns of change including steady, repetitive, irregular, or apparently unpredictable change.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology B1 Skills and Traits of Scientific Inquiry

Students plan, conduct, analyze data from, and communicate results of investigations, including fair tests.


CCSS ELA Literacy 6-8 Science and Technical Subjects CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.3 Key Ideas and Details

Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.


ME Science 3-5 Science and Technology B1a Skills and Traits of Scientific Inquiry

Pose investigable questions and seek answers from reliable sources of scientific information and from their own investigations.


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