New Hampshire
Broad Standard Reference
Standard Code
Standard Name
CCSS ELA Literacy |
2 |
Reading Informational Text |
Key Ideas and Details |
Describe the connection between a series of . . . scientific ideas or concepts . . . |
CCSS ELA Literacy |
3 |
Reading Informational Text |
Key Ideas and Details |
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. |
CCSS ELA Literacy |
3 |
Reading Informational Text |
Craft and Structure |
Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. |
CCSS ELA Literacy |
3 |
Reading Informational Text |
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas |
Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). |
4 |
Earth and Space Sciences |
4-ESS3-1 |
Earth and Human Activity |
Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment. |
4 |
Earth and Space Sciences |
4-ESS3-2 |
Earth and Human Activity |
Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans. |
4 |
Physical Science |
4-PS3-2 |
Energy |
Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. |